You didn’t come this far to stop now...
One predicts the future by: Creating it
“Even the wing-beat of a butterfly is able to trigger a tremendous storm because it’s movements are so enormously important, as are the human beings thoughts, fine-spiritual perceptions, words and deeds.”
(Billy Edward Albert Meier. 434; sec. 483, the way to live)..

timbre, harmonization and reverberation:
sound healing of the planet
and the Creation-Energy-Rainbow

our story is written is the future storage banks
work smarter; not harder
1. Harmony encompasses togetherness; together-in this; the sum greater than it’s constituent parts. A symphony!
2. Sustainability means livability; living in abundance and giving back more than you consume. We appreciate vitality, resilience and true-equilibrium.
3.Sovereignty translates to Oneness; to Wholeness. We don't seek Revolution, we embrace evolution, and evolutionary principals. We see
“ A service should never be made dependent on praise-speaking but should come from one own and well recognized sense of duty.”-Semjase, c.r.107

1. Harmony encompasses togetherness; together-in this; the sum greater than it’s constituent parts. A symphony!
Semjase stated, in c.r.9 that; in sec.195:
“The new era entails that all created regulations of Earth-human origin, which had their validity until then, are newly established, changed and evolutionised, modified or abolished…”

From the Decalo
With the entry of our solar system into the golden rays of the Aquarian Age, the new era, the earth humankind will witness an immense upheaval that will stand out ever more apparent to the seeing human being.”
Billy from the Decalogue book, p. 6:
From the A.A. book:
Therefore as the number of the truly knowing ones is still extremely small at the present time, they grow, nevertheless, into an unoverlookable army.
In the course of the time, it will ensure that they evolve themselves in creational sense and also educate their descendants in Accordance (my capitalization) with this guideline.
These descendants will be the human beings of the future, the bearers and formers of the earthly future in the Age of Aquarius which demands love and truth.”